The nonmortorized transportation workgroup is comprised of member organizations that are passionate about increasing safety and accessibility for pedestrians, bicyclists, individuals in wheelchairs and many others.

This group has lead the charge to advance Complete Streets policies in Michigan including encouraging members of the Michigan State Transportation Commission to adopt a strong, statewide Complete Streets policy, which is now in place, in 2012.

Over 80 communities across Michigan have adopted a Complete Streets policy, making Michigan the state with the most policies to date. This year Trans4M members will support statewide investment in nonmotorized transportation and will help local governments implement Complete Streets policies in their own communities.

This group is currently organizing around the increasingly recognizable Share MI Roads campaign, an effort focused on developing educational resources for drivers, bicyclists, drivers education instructors, law enforcement officials as well as state and local decision makers about reducing dangerous interactions between motorists and non-motorists. Drivers and bicyclists are asked to “Take the Pledge” to be more aware of traffic laws around bicyclists and be respectful of each other on the road.

Due to time constraints within the existing drivers education curriculum, young drivers currently receive limited training on how to safely share the road with bicyclists and long-time drivers can often benefit from a reminder. The campaign will work to explain and publicize the rights and responsibilities of both drivers and bicyclists, with an aim at fostering good will and reducing injuries and fatalities across Michigan.

Closely related legislation the coalition advocated for at the 2013 Advocacy Day is the Vulnerable User Safety Legislation.

Members of the Share Mi Roads workgroup include the League of Michigan Bicyclists, Michigan Land Use Institute, MOSES, Greater Grand Rapids Bicycle Coalition, PEAC, Crim Fitness Foundation, Michigan Fitness Foundation, Michigan Trails and Greenway Alliance, and Michigan Environmental Council.

To get involved, contact campaign coordinator John Lindenmayer, LMB Advocacy and Policy Director, at
